fredag 28 mars 2014

Summary of my last month- back on track after the crack!

Auckland Art Gallery, one of my few trips
Highly recommended
It has been crazy.
I fell off my mountain bike on a rough downhill road a month ago. That was the start of my three weeks in Auckland, New Zealand, where I spent my days coping with the uncertainty of the future, but also how lucky I am in all of this.

Objectively I have had a great time, but the uncertainty of my future (the wrist, the project, etc) has made my life stressful. I was in a zombie mode and I got even more proof of what I learnt in General Practice course last September- Unpredictable and Uncontrollable are two great Stressors.  

I can’t describe everything that has happened… well actually I can since I am a faithfull diary-keeper, but I am not gonna bore you. To summarize, a dorsal avulsion fracture of the triquetral bone with high grade sprains. Or you can say- a small fracture in my left wrist, with good prognosis.

Now- I am back in Tonga and I will finalize my project in three weeks.

The 36th Annual Inter-Collegiate Athletics Competition has just finished after three festival-like days. There has been amazing performances from students in track and field’s, brass band entertaining and plenty of laughter, cheering and singing in the audience.

With a rough estimation of around 1500 people gathered in the grass field turned to sport arena outside of Vava’u High School, this is probably one of the biggest recurring events on the small island of Vava’u (20000 inhabitants, the town Neiafu having  5000 inhabitants).

The atmosphere was on top when the closing ceremony was disrupted by a warm monsoon rain making students scream and run out to play in the field.  

2 kommentarer:

  1. Great video- thanks for posting it. Sorry we missed you yesterday, but we had a feeling about the rain. ~Tracey

  2. I couldnt find you so had a suspicion you skipped it. The weather was ok until the closening ceremony, then the sky opened up! I have got more videos for you from Wednesday!
