fredag 21 februari 2014

Fleeing the Sunday rest

2014-02-16 Sunday
Sunday is church day. Everything is closed. Rumor’s got it the police might warn you for being on the beach or working out. You have to rest!

Or go to Pangaimotu.

The small island (include shipwreck and restaurant) is half an hour boat trip away from Nuku’Alofa. This is where all the Palangis go.  
Palangi is Tongan for Outsider, slightly derogative, literally meaning Person from the sky (Pa- to touch, Langi- the sky).

I went together with two other backpackers (German and Italian) and on the island we met a dozen of volunteers around our age. Coming from different organizations and professions, I admire the commitments from the Aussies, Kiwis and Americans agreeing to spend one or two years away from friends and family.  

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